Collection: All Critical Kit TTRPG sub-boxes


2 resin sets of dice

Love Bug Subscription Box: Double Sets of DnD Dice - Don't Miss Out!

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1 resin set of dice

Roll the Dice! Get a Monthly Surprise of Themed Goodies!

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1 bling set of dice

Roll the Dice Every Month for Dazzling Bling Delivered to Your Door!

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1 sharp edge set of dice

Get a slice of sharpness with our monthly dice box deliveries!

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1 metal set of dice

Roll the Dice Every Month with Our Metal-tastic Sub-box!

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Past sub-box theme's

  • January's dnd dice sub-box, monthly dice box
  • dnd dice surprise, monthly dnd dice surprise, merry critmas festive dice box.
  • Monthly dice box, dnd sub box, dice for role playing games and one shot adventures.
  • dnd dice sub-box, dnd anniversary sub-box, rpg dice, glitter dice, critical critter and dice goblin
  • dnd dice box, rpg box, fairy dice, dice for role playing games, critical critters and dice goblins.
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, summer dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, fairy dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, Critical Role dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, gelatinous dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, arcade dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, Punk Is Dead dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, Firework dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, halloween dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, ocean dice, dice goblin and critical critters
  • DNDsub-box, bee dice, rpg dice for role playing games, critical critters and dice goblin collectors
  • DND dice box, monthly rpg box, dice subscription, pride dice, dice goblin and critical critters

How a sub-box works

Each month you'll receive a dice themed box delivered to your door.

You can cancel or pause at anytime.

With each box you'll receive along with your chosen dice set, a themed surprise gift, 10% discount code for the website, and loyalty points.