Colección: Solo Role Playing Games

Got questions?

Tell me more about RPGs, TTRPGs and how do solo RPGs work?

What is a TTRPG?

A TTRPG is an extension of RPG, which stands for role-playing game. RPG is most commonly used to refer to video RPGs, such as Balders Gate, Fallout and World of War Craft to name a few.

These are also referred to as (MMORPG) Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. WOW was one of the first to gain internet success.

Leaving TTRPG for the Table-Top role-playing games, or analogue games (non-video).

All RPGs embody character creation and are story lead, whether played online as part of a MMORPG or with the theatre of the mind with TTRPGs. They are all a form of collective story telling.

That's great, so explain a solo RPG?

As the name suggests these are played solo, without the need of a GM/DM (Games Master/Dungeon Master) to oversee and run the game, or other player characters.

These are also referred to as journalling RPGs and they are a wide variety of solo-RPGs available, created on different systems.

Got it. So what systems are these solo RPGs created on?

These vary depending on the mechanical choice of the games creator. The mechanic will be chosen based on how it best serves the story telling of the RPG.

Are these like the Fighting Fantasy adventures?

The short answer is no.

The Fighting Fantasy books were created by Sir Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson (not to be confused with the US games designer of the same name), in 1982.

The Fighting Fantasy role-playing game books/choose your own adventures books, which provide the setting and scenario and then give you options depending on the direction of the game you would like to take. Making you the hero of your own adventures. You direct the adventure by turning to a section of the book based on the number relating to the decisions you make, to continue your adventure.

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